Event report: A Systems Approach to Resilience and Building Back Better
These were just some of the questions explored at our event ‘A Systems Approach to Resilience and Bouncing Back Better’, held in Zurich on May 19 2022.
Our evening, hosted in collaboration with SE-Training and facilitated by Dr. Sandra Roth, Savvista took place in the beautiful James Joyce Bar just off Zurich’s Bahnhofstrasse, itself an example of resilience and bouncing back better. Sandra started our workshop with a brief introduction to Systems Theory, how systems are inherently resilient and self-reinforcing which sometimes leads to involuntary effects, how this relates to our VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world, how crises impact us and how we can build up our resilience and grow from adversity.
Basically, she condensed decades of research into a concise 15 minute presentation on the challenges we face and approaches to address them; personally, in our communities and in our businesses. Diversity is key to a stable and resilient system.
Sandra then continued with an introduction to LEGO® Serious Play®, building bridges, the relevance of metaphors, asking us to construct Lego models and the corresponding explanatory storytelling to share our collective wisdom. We answered key questions, first with our hands and subsequently via storytelling, on now we reinforce our personal resilience and how our organisations can help. The Lego models and Lego® Serious Play® Keynote structure were instrumental in facilitating connections and the sharing of deep insights, in our small groups and later during the plenary session.
All participants commented on the meaningful connections and insights generated by this workshop and of course, the discussion continued during the subsequent networking apéro.
A huge thank you, not only to our facilitator, Dr. Sandra Roth, but also to all our participants for so openly participating and sharing your creativity, experience, and insights.