If you are living in or have lived in Switzerland, and are:
· Irish, aged between 16 and 35
· The parents and/or grandparents of 16-35 year olds with Irish roots
· Neither of the above but interested in hearing from and sharing with our younger and future members
Then please join us for this session! We would love to hear perspectives from young people on what it means to be Irish, and on what it means to be Irish in Switzerland. We will also talk about whether you feel strong ties to Ireland and on how, and/or if, you might see your Irishness as a part of your identity going forward.
All participants will be welcome to join in an open and lively discussion moderated by Joanne Goetz, IBN Geneva Chapter Lead.
When: Thursday 29 June 2023, 18.30-20.00 CEST
Where: Virtual. A Zoom link will be shared with registered participants.
RSVP by: Friday 23 June
Fee: Free of charge. This event is kindly supported by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme (ESP).