Please check back soon for details of our next event(s).
2021 Annual General Assembly Meeting: Wednesday 6th October 2021, on-line
Our registered members already received your personal invitation and we look forward to meeting you then.
Save the Dates:
The Role of Food in a Sustainable Future: Thursday 21st October 2021, 18:30 – 20:00, on-line
James Joyce Lecture + Networking: Tuesday 26th October 2021, 18:30, in-person, Zurich
Geneva Walking Tour + Networking: Saturday 30th October 2021, 10:00, in-person, Geneva
Scripting the Future: Thursday 18th November 2021, 18:30 – 20:00, on-line
Your personal invitations will be emailed shortly.
The IBN committee very much looks forward to meeting you soon again in-person and on-line!