We were delighted to team up with the Zurich James Joyce Foundation on the afternoon of Saturday November 2 to offer our members a guided tour of Joyce’s Zurich.
The tour included where the Joyce family lived, where James Joyce worked, the bars and restaurants he frequented and sometimes wrote in, while our very knowledgeable guide, Ursula Zeller, curator at the James Joyce Foundation, also read certain passages aloud and discussed the aspects of Swiss life and places he referenced in his works. Finally, the tour ended with a visit to Joyce’s grave in Fluntern Cemetery, Zurich followed by an informal gathering at the James Joyce bar on Zurich’s Pelikanstrasse.
The tour was very popular with members from all across Switzerland and due to the high demand we plan to repeat it later in 2020.
Text: Joanna Long, Images: ZJJF and Thérèse Langan, November 2019